Thursday, September 23, 2010

The Want for Wild

As much as we like to believe our society is open to uniqueness and originality I more often feel the opposite has more truth. Or at least we like uniqueness as long as it fits into our ideas of what society should be. I sometimes look at crowds of people in cars at stop lights and when the light turns green the masses all start off almost as if they are one, one giant herd of cattle. Our originality is so unoriginal we can divide it into categories straight out of a John Hughes film: Jocks, freaks, drama nerds, band geeks, plastics, and on and on. Sometimes the most outstanding people are the ones willing to live to the fullest in whichever way makes them happiest. Sadly our fallen world has so many ugly things to obsess over and people live to the extreme doing such ugly sad things: hoarders, terrorist, murderers, and on, and on, and sadly on. Society is afraid of extremist, they make us uncomfortable for what they are extreme over or sometimes they make us feel guilty that we aren't living for the fullest on something. So maybe status quo is easier to handle.

I don't want this, I don't want people to look at me and think small thoughts. I want to be an extremist in my love. I want to love people like Christ loved them. I want to blaze with my passion for Him. I would rather offend people working for the Kingdom then be one of Satan's MVP because my apathy allowed him to conquer my city.

I want to be wild! The world is wild and falling to pieces, falling to darkness, soul sickness, and separation from God. I am saved! Should I not be crazed with my love for Him. I am one of the few who are truly free, should I not shout the joy of my salvation?!

My time here was limited from my very first second, do I waste it on money? Should I waste my time not forgiving, not living? Should I be a status quo Christian, fill up a chair on Sunday, and work for things that are surely fading away the rest of the week? Money is such a temporary plague, the plague of souls heading to hell is an eternal one.

It's true that frozen hearts will last longer. But a heart on fire shines brighter, and can set other hearts alight.

To be or not to be? An ember of a spark, or a comet red across the dark?

If the ugliness of the world can have extremist, should Christians not be the most extreme? Are we not empowered for it?

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