Thursday, March 12, 2009

Learning and Haircuts

These last few days have been really crazy for me. For some reason my pattern here at college is to get so freaked out that I'm behind that I hurry and rush to do my work that's due within an hour. Here is the kicker though, it's never due!

I kill myself to get a project or paper complete, I stay up till two reading the book that's due then get up at five to keep reading it. I rush to class in a panic because as hard and fast as I read it wasn't enough time the book just had too much information. I sit down in my usual seat and like the panic stir around in my stomach. I glance around the room expecting to see my peers with the same "deer in head lights" shock but instead I see smiles! "Am I the only one who forgot to do the reading!?" pops in my head and I instantly label myself the class dunce.

Now, with my new title of dunce in place, I just have to wait for the teacher to stroll in and pass out a paper that I would have to sign my own failure. The door opens and in walks the always mellow professor. He looks over his wire glasses and smiles welcome to the class.

Here it comes, here it comes! In seconds I will be near tears from defeat. The professor prays, I pray even harder, then the class begins. It's a great class, and there is no mention of the reading. Surely at the end of class he will have that paper waiting for us to sign before we are allowed to leave.

The class ends, and I ask a classmate about the book, I have a whole week more before it's due! I have lost so much sleep over this book, and its a great book, but I have nearly let this overcome me! "No more!" I declare in my mind! No more will I put things off, no more will I forget the task that are due, I will be better. And I will be better right after I finish this paper I'm behind on....

I have decided to take charge of my time. I need to be a better steward with my time.

First I need to make time for personnal time with God. This is a struggle for me while attend a Christain College, sadly I have began to feel like this is all I do, from class to chapel to D-group to church. My thinking is flawed, because I spend so much group time in the Bible I have now sent my perssonal time with Him out the door. I need time with Him, I know He will help me sort out the rest of my time... why do I put Him aside so easily!

On another note my roommate cut my hair and she did an amazing job! It has really helped me feel a bit better about everything. I know God made me a pretty girl, it's just nice that others notice it too some times.

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