Thursday, February 12, 2009

So Far

This is my first Blog entry...ever. I made this Blog "The Road She's On" to report my college life. I am starting my first semester at the college at Southeastern in Wake Forest North Carolina. Truth is so far nothing much has happened there. I tend to be a bit of a loner, not that I don't enjoy company, in fact I love people very much, but if left alone I'm really quite okay.

Well since this is about my life at college I will let you readers (if there are any ha ha) know that I will be majoring in Missions. Which I am very happy about. If fifteen years ago you would have asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up I would have said missionary/rock star.

College so far has given me a strange mix of grieve to be alone, excitement to be on my own, and a complete and overwhelming fear that I am not as smart as I like to think!

I live on campus, in the girls dorm. The buildings name is Lolley Hall -- very fitting I thought-- and its an old dorm but I really like it. I like that even when its snowing outside my roommate and I keep the window open because of the furnace that is room 201. I like that there is a hall full of amazing crazy wonderful girls that really make Lolley a special place to be. Of course Lolley has its downs but really there are way more ups, even if I don't always remember it. I am glad God allowed me to come to this school, I'm very blessed.

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