Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Dorm Room

I finally came home and found what I needed to connect my camera to my computer! So I am Happy to say I have pictures of my dorm to post! I should tell you I have two covers for my bed, one is blue, and the other is brown and sage green. Very natural colors, easier to relax in! Right now I enjoy the blue, it reminds me of water. My roommate has a bit more bold colors going on. Hot pink! Plus almost every other color is on her striped cover. You can also see the table by my bed is neat, hers. . . not so much. Its alright, she keeps her mess on her side, and she cleans it often. I do wish I could paint my room, though I do believe it would create a fight for what colors. I kinda have a feeling she would paint it black, who knows. I think black would make our small space feel like a cell. I do like it though, the only thing I miss is privacy.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wake Forest Coffee Company

It's One of those weekends I'm staying at the College. I'm doing the only thing I know to do..... go to the coffee house. Live music and such a variety of people it feels a little like a John Hughes film.

My Brothers friend has introduced him to a new musician by the name of Joanna Newsome, and for some reason I can't seem to get enough. The harp is smooth in contradiction to her harsh and shrill voice. I love it.

My week feels like it has lasted a whole month. It started with me having to sit through my three hour computer class alone. If anyone knows me they know I'm hopeless with a computer, I seem to stumble through a simple procedure with the grace of a hippo with a broken leg....

Some how I seem to make it work though.

Half the class is the lecture, and then the professor lets you decided wither you will stay and complete the assignment, or you can leave. I left. But not before the professor stops me to say with the most pitying look I have ever received "Go get some rest"

I was caught off by this, I always am. I have a firm belief that any comment that sounds remotely like "You look tired." Is a polite meaning for "You look terrible."

I turned to look him in the eye, knowing I must look pathetic and asked "Do I really look tired?"

The nodding head was enough to finish my good mood off for the day, It was over like Goldie Hawns youth. I can typically take these comments, however this certain type is my Achilles heel. I am glad I refuse to cry, though I felt some tears coming up.

While my week may not have started as smoothly as I would have wanted the middle was riddled with the constant running around that a college student is used to. Its this new hustle of life that has me stressed most. I'm still trying to come up with a good schedule so I wont feel like I'm fighting against a river.

I'm saying all this and I sadly I don't even have a job yet. I'm looking of course. I can't tell you how sad it is to be handed a job application and then told in a false apologetic tone that "I'm sorry while we are taking applications we are not hiring, but thank you and have a good day."


As I walk away I can swear I hear the distinct ripping sound of paper, I can almost feel it.
Can you sue for false hopes?

The end of my week if mostly me making time for everything else except homework. I don't know why I avoid it so much, If only I did it as soon as it was assigned it would be so much easier, and I would have more time for the things I love to do.

Friday I had a blast with my brother! I really love being around him again. We messed around at his church watching The Office, who doesn't like this show?"

Then Jonathan called up a friend of his "Jay Jay" though I think I will call him "Jay". He plays the piano so wonderfully I could cry.

And so with Jonathan on the drums Jay on the piano, and me with a mic, we all seemed to bond over music!

Even more fun was the fact that Jay was into alot of the same music I was into. Never have I met anyone who loved Sigur Ros. We played Regina Spector songs, and Tori Amos, and I loved every second of it.

We are planning to sing at the College hosted "Coffee Shop" where the student life center gives free coffee and cheese cake plus live music. Hopefully all the strings will pull together and it won't fall through.

Time to leave, the live music while fun does not fit my mood well. As soon as I figure out my new camera I will post pictures of my dorm room, and the college.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

So Far

This is my first Blog entry...ever. I made this Blog "The Road She's On" to report my college life. I am starting my first semester at the college at Southeastern in Wake Forest North Carolina. Truth is so far nothing much has happened there. I tend to be a bit of a loner, not that I don't enjoy company, in fact I love people very much, but if left alone I'm really quite okay.

Well since this is about my life at college I will let you readers (if there are any ha ha) know that I will be majoring in Missions. Which I am very happy about. If fifteen years ago you would have asked me what I wanted to be when I grow up I would have said missionary/rock star.

College so far has given me a strange mix of grieve to be alone, excitement to be on my own, and a complete and overwhelming fear that I am not as smart as I like to think!

I live on campus, in the girls dorm. The buildings name is Lolley Hall -- very fitting I thought-- and its an old dorm but I really like it. I like that even when its snowing outside my roommate and I keep the window open because of the furnace that is room 201. I like that there is a hall full of amazing crazy wonderful girls that really make Lolley a special place to be. Of course Lolley has its downs but really there are way more ups, even if I don't always remember it. I am glad God allowed me to come to this school, I'm very blessed.